KC Chiang, clinical psychologist and one of the
Mindful-Gym trainers presented a two-hour talk at Malaysian Mental Health
Association (MMHA) on 28 June 2014 on mindfulness-based stress management. She was assisted by Aveline, a registered
counselor, and a graduate of Mindful-Gym. The talk was attended by 56 participants from the public.
The participants were
introduced to the concept of mindfulness in the context of stress management and
were given a “taste” of mindfulness practice such as paying attention to 'H.T.C.' (hearing, touching and seeing) and mindful breathing. Two
mindfulness tools – Mindful stretching and Mindful S.T.O.P. were introduced to
the participants. The concept of
beginners’ mind was demonstrated through raisin eating exercise and optical
illusion. In applying beginner’s mind,
the participants were encouraged to adopt a
“childlike curiosity” in viewing
situations in life in order to break away from cognitive “auto-pilot”.
The participants were
delightfully responsive – asking interesting questions, and actively joining
the activities and mindfulness practices.
The talk appeared to have generated much interest among the participants
as many of them stayed back after the talk to ask questions relating to mindfulness.